

Guess who's back to Blogging? Back from a Mental Health break.

In case you didn’t notice, my site was down, but I am back! My site is up and running; it’s a work-in-progress, just like the creator. Art imitates life. 

Honestly, I didn’t pay the server because I had too much on my plate. I have been dealing with my mental health on top of being a wife, mom, woman. I have been mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally drained; I didn’t have it in me to blog. I no longer wanted to be vulnerable and share what I was feeling. I felt like no one would care anyways. I had writer’s block as I was also blocked in other aspects of my life. 

As I am navigating my healing journey, I am dusting off my writing tools and getting back to blogging. Most importantly, I am using this as part of my healing. I am willing to continue to be vulnerable and share my story because I can no longer bottle it up inside. And I know I am not alone. I know there are people out there, probably you, my reader, or someone that you may know, that can relate to my content. I am done feeling isolated. If you are here reading this, thank you.

So what exactly is this blog about?

LupitaMXLife is about a lot of things because that is how I am. I am not just 1 thing or 1 label. I am a mother and wife; so I will share about my family because I know there are families like us going through similar situations. I’m not about cooking, cleaning, arts and crafts, posting perfectly posed/filtered/edited family photos, doing sleep training, Montessori-inspired activities, etc. If that is who you are, nothing against that. But my motherhood blog is about addressing topics most don’t talk about. I intend to be raw/honest about how hard it gets and assure you that no one has it figured out. We are human beings loving our kids, doing the best we can, taking it day-by-day, and working towards raising kind, empathetic, beautiful, serving, amazing humans; all while dealing with our issues as humans.

Mexico is our current location. We are living in Mexico City and because of this pandemic and the uncertainty of life, we don’t know how long we will be here, nor where we will go next. But for the moment, we are embracing this adventure and focusing on our children’s childhood memories. I will share that aspect with those wanting to travel to Mexico and learn more about this country. 

I AM WOMAN! Motherhood, marriage, career, none of that defines me. It is not all I am or want to be. I am a beautiful soul trying to navigate life. I am re-parenting myself. Dealing with all my childhood traumas, breaking that generational cycle. I am discovering myself. Who I am and want to be. What I love and want to do with my life. I am embarking on a journey of sincerely learning to love and care for myself. I am putting in the work for my family but most importantly for ME!

Thank you for your support. Thank you for reading this. Please share, comment and come back for more. Follow me as I share my experiences! (Literally follow me on social media, my blog). LupitaMX Life is back!

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